Opening hours: 8.15am to 3.45pm (3.15pm Friday)
01773 825281 : 8.15am to 3.45pm (3.15pm Friday)
All phone calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.
Please note that teaching staff are in lessons or have other commitments for most of their day in school so may not be able to speak to you when you call or return your call immediately. Any messages or requests for return calls will be forwarded to members of staff who will respond as soon as they are able to.
By Email
Key Contacts
- Chair of Governors: Claire Lightfoot
- Headteacher: Nick Goforth
- Deputy Headteacher: Matilde Warden
- Careers: Richard Leach
- Curriculum: Matilde Warden
- SENDCo: Ros Conroy
- General Enquiries: Lynne Horder, Office Manager
Safeguarding Concerns
- Safeguarding team: Gavin Brookes, Rachael Brown, Kate Moon
- Out of hours safeguarding concerns: Contact “Call Derbyshire” on 01629 533190
Heads of Year
- Year 7 : Lydia Abdalla
- Year 8 : Neil Fordham
- Year 9 : Andy Robinson
- Year 10 : John McCleery
- Year 11 : Rachel Warren
- Sixth Form : Paul Brumby
By Post
Belper School and Sixth Form Centre
John O’Gaunts Way
DE56 0DA
United Kingdom
We are happy to provide paper copies of documentation on our website free of charge. Please contact the School Office for further information.
How to find us
Located in the heart of Amber Valley, Derbyshire in the East Midlands, Belper School is the main secondary school in the Belper area. The School is situated adjacent to Belper Leisure Centre, east of Belper town centre just off the A609. To find us follow the signs from the town centre for the Leisure Centre. The school is just off John O’Gaunts Way.
We would respectfully ask visitors to the site to use the main car park and not the small car park directly in front of the Leisure Centre. The goods entrance for all deliveries is located by following the service road around the back of the Leisure Centre.