Life in the Sixth Form

What is life like in the Sixth Form?

Life in the Sixth Form at Belper School and Sixth Form Centre brings increased responsibility with greater freedom and the opportunity to take a lead in shaping the school and local community.  This leadership experience will have inestimable value for your future and help you to develop the personal skills needed for life beyond Belper School and to success in a 21st century career.

Leaders have high expectations of all students in the sixth form. Students value the support and guidance they receive.”

“They say that if you ask for extra help, you always get it. Students say that teachers want the best for them.”

“Students in the sixth form have high aspirations. They say that the school has prepared them well for their next steps.”

“Teachers of students in the sixth form have strong subject knowledge. Curriculum plans in the sixth form are well developed and the work that teachers set is demanding.”

“Teachers in the sixth form deliver the curriculum well. This means that students can build on what they already know and achieve well.” 

“The students, including those in the sixth form, are a credit to the school. They are very polite and courteous, and they are keen to learn. “

Students behave well and with respect towards one another, teachers and other adults, in lessons and around the school.”….Ofsted 

Your Tutor

As a student in the Sixth Form you will have a tutor who takes a personal interest in your welfare and progress, and is available to offer advice. The help of someone who knows you well could make all the difference in making the right decisions about your future.


The school has high expectations of you as a sixth form student. Your mature behaviour provides a model for younger students, and you will be offered opportunities to help them in different areas of school work, to organise fund-raising activities, and to help in the wider community. It is important to remember that employers and institutions of Higher Education attach considerable importance to extra-curricular activities and community work. This is why we make some contribution to Social Action compulsory for all Sixth Formers.

PSE and Guidance

All students are required to take part in the PSE and Guidance programme which takes place each week. This will deal with a range of personal, social and health issues relevant to 17/18 year olds and includes topics such as personal safety, driver safety, healthy eating etc. Towards the end of Year 12 the focus shifts towards university and careers guidance. This session is also an essential communication channel for all students.

Extended Project Qualification EPQ

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a project-based qualification run by Exam Boards including AQA. The qualification is worth half a full A-Level qualification. The projects can consist of either a written  report on a topic of your choice, or it can be the creation of some sort of artefact and a supporting report. In  this way, the project can connect to any area of school life. 

What does it involve? 

Over Year 12 and into Year 13, you will carry out an independent investigation into any topic of interest. It  doesn’t have to be the same as you’re looking at for A-Level – in fact, you need to make sure it’s something  extra to what you already do. Previous studies have looked at WaterAid, depression, planning in cities,  teenage witches and even the future of transplants in the medical industry. 

 Further details Click here

6th Form Council

Students nominate representatives from each tutor group. There are regular meetings where students get to have their say about various issues of Sixth Form life, before taking this back to their own tutor groups.

Arts Award & Performances

At Belper School and Sixth Form we have a strong and thriving drama and arts tradition. Making extensive use of the purpose built drama and arts studios, Sixth Form students take a very active and leading role in school productions and exhibitions.

Duke of Edinburgh

Some students work towards the Silver and Gold Award during their time in the Sixth Form. You do not have to have completed the Bronze or Silver to be able to get involved. Each student follows a programme to help them achieve the five disciplines: skill, service, physical recreation, residential project and expedition.

Sporting Leaders Award and Coaching Certificates

With a purpose built sports hall and outside multi purpose sports facility we offer a wide range of sporting activities at all levels. Sixth Form students can undertake the Sports Leaders Award as well as benefit from reduced membership costs for the Health and Fitness Club at Belper Leisure Centre.

Young Enterprise

The Company Programme offered by Young Enterprise empowers young people to set up and run a student company under the guidance of a business volunteer.

Students make all the decisions about their business, from deciding on the company name, managing the company finances and selling to the public.

Participants gain practical business experience and key skills. This opportunity allows students to experience selling their goods and services in local markets and trade exhibitions, with opportunities to the businesses that make the most profit to proceed to local and national competitions.

Charity Events

Sixth Form students often adopt various charities and host fundraising events on their behalf.  Fancy dress days, sponsored sports and discos have been some of the ways in which both local and national charities have been supported.

Work Experience

We encourage all Year 12 students to undertake at least one placement in July during Enrichment Week.  Tutors and the Careers Team are able to assist in finding suitable placements.  Students can undertake placements in their holidays but these are not covered by the school.  

Voluntary Work in School/Community

This is not just about developing students own employment skills, but rather about giving back to the community. Students volunteer within a range of local organisations, including working within Belper School and Sixth Form Centre. A major success of recent years has been establishing a network of In Class Support where students are able to help younger students in lessons.

Ambassador Opportunities for Sixth Formers

All of our Sixth Form students are encouraged to act as Sixth Form Ambassadors by participating in opportunities that make a contribution to school life or social action & leadership opportunities.

This should enable them to develop and evidence employability skills and qualities outside of their studies that will boost their future applications alongside their qualifications.

In addition, this will provide an opportunity for us as a school to value the additional support they can provide and make the Sixth Form students a visible presence to set a positive example to all students.

To see the range of ambassador opportunities for this academic year click the link below:

Ambassador Opportunities

Super Curriculum

Super curricular activities are those that take your curriculum further. They take the subjects you study in the classroom beyond that which your teacher has taught you or what you’ve done for home learning. For example, you may go into more depth on something you picked up in the classroom, or learn about a new topic altogether. These activities are in a range of forms: reading, watching videos online, downloading podcasts, attending lectures, visiting museums or entering academic competitions. Engaging in super curricular activities will help you develop a love for your favourite subject or subjects.  On this website, there are a range of activities, suggested by your teachers. They are by no means exhaustive lists but should get you started.  In addition we recommend all students to undertake atleast one MOOC – using the UNIFROG website. Use the link below to be directed to subject suggestions:

Super Curriculum