On this basis, we will consider Belper School’s Enrichment programmes in NCS, DofE Silver and Gold, the World Challenge and the CSLA Level 3 Award (Community Sports Leadership) as potential alternatives to work experience if we believe the skills acquired through these activities are directly relevant to their preferred post 18 option. However, students who do complete one of these ‘alternative’ activities will still be encouraged to complete work experience too.
In order to complete the work experience placement students must follow the following procedure:
Register your interest in setting up a placement with in the Sixth Form Office by completing a form available from outside the Sixth Form Office or or complete from the relevant link below:
Click Here for a Work Shadowing Form
Click Here for a Virtual Work Placements
Click Here for a Work Experience Initial Enquiry Form
Approach employers who may be able to offer relevant work experience to you. From previous experience, we have found that students have most success in securing a placement when they approach family or friends who can offer relevant work experience so we suggest that students take this approach first. If there are no family or friends options then students should refer to the list of employers that can be accessed via the links below. These lists show employers that have agreed in principle to offering work experience placements with Derbyshire County Council.
Once a relevant employer has been identified the student must complete the ‘Work Experience Partnership Agreement Form’ in conjunction with the employer and parents, this must then be returned to the Sixth Form. As part of this process the student must complete the ‘Medical Health Check’ form and give it to the employer with the letter of understanding between the school and the employer.
If the placement is during term time, students must complete a Notification of Absence Form at least 2 school days before their placement starts to ensure that teaching staff are aware of the time they will be missing from lessons – this should be returned to the Sixth Form office.
While on placement, students must complete the ‘Work Experience Booklet’ as evidence of their placement. This must include a brief reference from the employer commenting on the students’ performance. This booklet must be handed in to the Sixth Form so that we can keep an accurate record of your placement before returning it to the student for future reference.
Although we appreciate that arranging this work experience placement is an additional burden in what is already a very busy year for students, we do believe that it will be of significant benefit to students as they prepare for their potential careers and plan their next steps.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Paul Brumby
(Head of Sixth Form)