Online Safety

Keeping Students Safe Online

The internet is an amazing educational resource and social media can be a great way to keep in contact with friends. However, there are an increasingly large range of problems associated with internet use especially for young people.

Online safety is covered thoroughly in our curriculum but we would also advise parents to regularly monitor and discuss their children’s internet use to minimise any potential dangers.

If you have any concerns about the online safety of your child please contact the school. If you believe a crime has been committed online please see Reporting Internet Crimes to the Police below.

This document gives some advice for keeping your child safe whilst using the internet: 10 tips to help your child stay safe online

For further assistance please have a look at these useful websites:

Our parents/carers may also find this link to The Key  helpful.  Along with an Interactive Guide on setting parental controls on devices, it also has individual factsheets on social media sites such as Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok.

Reporting Internet Crimes to the Police

The national crime agency runs a specialist e-safety service to report possible online crimes. It is called Child Exploitation and Online Protection and can be accessed by clicking here

Safeguarding Team

Please see our safeguarding page to find out more about our safeguarding team.