Sixth Form Vision Statement

The development of an established learning culture which students can access and flourish both academically and personally. Fundamental to this is the delivery of a structured and valued pastoral and academic guidance system that raises self esteem, expectations and aspirations; which allows all to make informed and appropriate decisions regarding their immediate and future choices.

We aim to achieve the following outcomes for all students:

Create a safe and caring environment for all students. Where they feel valued, respected and able to develop both academically and personally.

     For students to take the initiative in creating their own environment and learning culture.

·        Introduce and implement a qualifications structure that allows for flexibility and scope for all students.

·        Provide an individually tailored and appropriate programme of study for all students.

·        Continue to develop a natural progression route into Post 16 for all students.

·        Recognise the importance of work related experiences and vocational courses in addition to traditional academic programmes.

Develop and implement a holistic pupil orientated approach to tutoring and guidance.

·        See their tutor as a mentor and guide with no division between academic and pastoral issues.

·        Establish a regular series of both formal and informal meetings between students and tutors. These will allow for focused discussion and action upon which targets can be set.

·        Ensure all parties are fully aware of current performance levels of individuals and their potential.

·        Identify underachievement early and act upon it.

·        Ensure all tutors are fully informed on the range of options available to all students.

Ensure all parties are fully aware of current performance levels of individuals and their potential.

    Parents and guardians are routinely involved in and informed of their childs progress and future choices.

·        Identify underachievement early and act upon it.

Increase and widen the range of extra curricular activities and enrichment opportunities that allow all students to develop communication and leadership skills, identify   areas of strength and weakness and overcome them. Developing life long interests and hobbies.

·        Recognise the importance of work related experiences and vocational courses in addition to traditional academic programmes.

To continue to develop and plan for progress in the ever changing world faced by the educational institution and its key personnel – the student.

·        Ensure all tutors are fully informed on the range of options available to all students.

·        Students receive impartial, constructive advice from both internal and external sources.

·        To operate beyond the ‘constraints’ of the school and work collaboratively with neighbouring institutions in order to widen the range of options available.

To increase the integration of Sixth Former’s across the whole school. 

·        To provide a positive role model for younger students.