
Every school day counts …

At Belper School and Sixth Form Centre, we expect students to attend school regularly, punctually and arrive properly equipped and ready to learn.  Our parents/carers are reminded that regular attendance is a legal requirement.

We require all our students to be on the school premises by 8.30am, and be in their tutor base when registration commences at 8.35am.

Any absences should be notified to school before 8.30am on the day of absence.  Absences can be reported by calling the school on 01773 825281 and selecting either Option 1 for the absence line, or Option 2 to speak to a member of the School Office.

It is usually appropriate for parents/carers to send their children to school with a mild respiratory illness (cold symptoms, minor cough, runny nose or sore throat.  You may find the NHS guidance ‘Is my child too ill for school?’ helpful.

Routine medical appointments should be made outside of school time.  Family holidays should only be taken during the school holidays.

Leave of absence

In September 2013 the Government introduced new regulations making it clear that Headteachers must not give approval for any leave of absence during term time, including holidays, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Any requests for term time leave should be made on a Leave of Absence Request form and handed in to the School Office at least two school weeks before the first date of the requested absence if possible. You must have received written authorisation before your child can be absent from school.

A copy of the form is available from the Forms area of our website by clicking here.

Parent/carers may be issued with a penalty notice fine or prosecution should leave of 5 days or more be taken which is not authorised by the Headteacher, or where repeated incidents of leave in term time for less than 5 days occur or where the unauthorised absence contributes to wider poor attendance that meets the legal threshold. Absence deemed for the reason of unauthorised leave in term time will be marked in the register with the Attendance code G.

You may be issued with a Penalty Notice should leave be taken which is not authorised. If unpaid this could lead to prosecution under section 444(1) of The Education Act 1996.