Ofsted reports for Belper School and Sixth Form Centre are available to view on the Ofsted website by clicking here.
The DFE Performance table for the school is here.
Parent View results for the school are here.
Most Recent Inspection. 2022 November
In November 2022, Ofsted carried out a Section 5 two day inspection of the school.
The school was assessed as grade 2 (Good) for Behaviour & Attitudes, for Personal Development, for the Sixth Form and for Leadership & Management. The area of Curriculum Intent, Implementation & Impact was assessed as grade 3 (Requires Improvement). This was also the overall grade. This final area is now the main focus for the school’s development work and we expect to have addressed it soon.
Comments from parents during the inspection were very positive with 91% of those who responded to the Ofsted survey reporting that their child is happy at Belper School.
Some of the key comments in the report are:
- Pupils are happy at school. They can ‘be who they are’ and have their own identity
- Pupils are well supported and cared for by staff
- Leaders have high expectations of pupils
- Staff are happy and proud to work at the school. Leaders are considerate of staff’s workload and well-being
- Lessons are calm and orderly
- Leaders have high expectations of all students in the sixth form. Students value the support and guidance they receive. They say that if you ask for extra help you always get it
- There are positive relationships between staff and pupils
- Most pupils behave well in lessons and at social times
- Leaders have prioritised improving pupils’ attendance. Their actions are having a positive impact
- Leaders have a sharp focus on improving the curriculum
- The governing body supports and challenges leaders well. Governors know the strengths of the school and what needs to improve
- Students say that teachers want the best for them
- Teachers of students in the sixth form have strong subject knowledge
- Curriculum plans in the sixth form are well developed and the work that teachers set is demanding
- Students in the sixth form have high aspirations. They say that the school has prepared them well for their next steps
- Teachers have secure subject knowledge. Leaders have set out the teaching methods that they want teachers to use. Leaders have provided training on these approaches. Some teachers do not adapt their teaching to address misconceptions
- Pupils receive effective careers advice and guidance. Pupils experience a range of activities to help them learn about different careers. This helps them prepare for their future
- Leaders have developed a well thought out programme for pupils’ personal development.
- Pupils value the range of activities that the school offers
Link to the school’s Ofsted reports