PLEASE NOTE: We are not currently hiring out our Theatre.
Built in 1973, the school is an 11-18 comprehensive foundation school, with a long tradition of community theatre use. In 2011 the theatre was refurbished and improved. The school is committed to making its theatre facilities available for community use in the evenings, at weekends and during school holidays. All access to the theatre must however be by formal arrangement, due to the school’s safeguarding obligation to students. Hirers should also be aware that it will be necessary to take account of other use when planning a production (for example in the timing of setting up of lights).
Classroom Facilities
Standard and specialist classrooms are available for hire.
Theatre Facilities
There is a large stage, auditorium with retractable tiered seating (maximum audience of 242), adjoined by 3 purpose-built dressing rooms, a dance studio and 2 drama studios. There is wheelchair access for audience and performers, and purpose-built roll-on roll-off vehicular access to the back of the stage. There are backstage toilet facilities, and modernised sound, lighting and stage communication facilities. The sound and lighting gallery runs across the back of the auditorium. It has easy access via stairs on both sides of the stage, and separate toilet facilities.
Other features
- Dark room access to stage from adjoining dance studio/ dressing rooms.
- Separate high and low level blue lighting at back of stage for access during performance
- Retractable cinema screen at the front of the stage
- Fixed screen at the back of the stage
- Auditorium with automatic climate controlled heating/ventilation.
- Retractable tiered seating (maximum 242 seats)
- Foyer and kitchenette
- Full disabled access from the main entrance
- Talk back system broadcasting from sound mixer desk
- Show relay system
- Jesterml48 lighting desk and a sound mixer in the gallery
- 22 CCT Minuette Fresnel spotlights, 6 CCT Minuette 21-36̊ Profile spotlights and 6 CCT Minuette floodlights plus additional lighting bars available
Evidence of £5 million public liability insurance will also be required in advance for all but small non-profit making organisations (who are covered by the school’s insurance: see Booking Agreement).
Belper Leisure Centre
The school shares a campus with Belper Leisure Centre. Some of the car park is owned by Belper Leisure Centre, and available to school users by agreement. However, a number of spaces are reserved for Leisure Centre customers to ensure, in particular, that gym-users can easily come and go. The reserved areas are all of the car parking spaces adjacent to the Leisure Centre and 10 spaces in the first bay in the main car park. Hirers should ensure that these spaces are not used by theatre users at any time, and that the Leisure Centre’s business needs are thereby respected.
How to Book
Bookings are made through the School Lettings Officer. We encourage new users to make an appointment to view the facilities. To make a booking, hirers should first contact the School Lettings Officer (Tel: 01773 825281 / to establish availability, then complete a Booking Enquiry Form with details of the proposed hire.
A quotation and the Booking Agreement with terms and conditions will be provided. If acceptable to the hirer, a 10% deposit and signed Booking Agreement will secure the hire and evidence of £5 million public liability insurance will also be required.
An invoice for the balance will be sent 6 weeks before the hire, with payment required within 30 days ie 14 days in advance of the hire. Cheques should be made payable to Belper School.
Contact Us
Please email or telephone 01773 825281.
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