Year 11

Welcome to Year 11!

Head of Year: Rachel Warren


Year 11 is the end of Key Stage 4 and a gateway to Post 16. The opportunity to move one step closer to creating your future brings new direction and energy to your journey. As ever, we will continue to promote a caring, respectful and engaging environment where students can thrive, develop their resilience whilst maintaining their individuality.

The strong link between home and school has always been of vital importance and this will enable students to feel well supported throughout their GCSE journey. Our strong pastoral ethos ensures that personal development is at the centre of everything we do.


11JNG Jeanette Gascoigne A1
11SJH Sarah Holme H4
11PEH Phill Holmes E2
11PSM Simon Miles S6
11EKP Lizzie Piroddi + Richard Cassidy E3
11BRS Ben Stephenson S8
11SBT Sophie Taylor E7

Year 11 Revision Resources